quarta-feira, setembro 13, 2006

Ordered the evacuation from WTC complex

Just like most firefighters,the ESU rescue teams in the North Tower had no idea that the South Tower had collapsed. However, by 10:00 the ESU officer running the command post at Church andVesey ordered the evacuation of all ESU units from the WTC complex.This officer,who had observed the South Tower collapse,reported it to ESU units in the North Tower in his evacuation instruction.178

This instruction was clearly heard by the two ESU units already in the North Tower and the other ESU unit preparing to enter the tower.The ESU team on the 31st floor found the full collapse of the South Tower so unfath=omable that they radioed back to the ESU officer at the command post and asked him to repeat his communication. He reiterated his urgent message.179

The ESU team on the 31st floor conferred with the FDNY personnel there to ensure that they,too,knew that they had to evacuate,then proceeded down stairwell B. During the descent, they reported seeing many firefighters who were resting and did not seem to be in the process of evacuating.They further reported advising these firefighters to evacuate,but said that at times they were not acknowledged. In the opinion of one of the ESU officers, some of these firefighters essentially refused to take orders from cops.At least one firefighter who was in the North Tower has supported that assessment,stating that he was not going to take an evacuation instruction from a cop that morning. How-ever, another firefighter reports that ESU officers ran past him without advis=ing him to evacuate.180

The ESU team on the 11th floor began descending stairwell C after receiv=ing the evacuation order. Once near the mezzanine level—where stairwell C ended—this team spread out in chain formation,stretching from several floors down to the mezzanine itself.They used their flashlights to provide a path of beacons through the darkness and debris for civilians climbing down the stairs. Eventually,when no one else appeared to be descending,the ESU team exited the North Tower and ran one at a time to 6 WTC, dodging those who still were jumping from the upper floors of the North Tower by acting as spotters for each other.They remained in the area,conducting additional searches for civilians; all but two of them died.181 »


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